Some people with whiplash experience chronic (long-term) pain or headaches for years after the event . Whiplash injury is sometimes misdiagnosis as discs pain or cervical spondylitis. Our team is specialized to cure acute/chronic low back pain and other spine-related problems. Back pain has become a very common problem these days and each of us suffer from it atleast one in a lifetime. Not all the back pain are because of the disc related issue and in most of the cases, surgery is not even required. Most of the back problem (about 90%) are mechanical in nature, that means poor strength in the global stabilizers (muscle that stabilizes the spine) of the back/spine. We at Dr. Vimal’s physiotherapy do a thorough assessment of your spine and design a treatment protocol tailor-made for you that includes correction of the spinal alignment, chiropractic treatment, soft tissue release/ fascial release and muscle strengthening.